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Audits and Analyses being done on State Voter Rolls

Latest video report done on Arizona (Part 2) with Dr. Corsi, Mark Finchem, Dr. Graves on how are election system are compromised.

New York: Dr. Andrew Paquette, serves as research director in all-volunteer citizen’s group called the New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), which does audits to make sure New York elections are fair and honest.  Dr. Andrew Paquette and a group of volunteers have found some disturbing problems in the New York State Voter Registration Rolls.  This team has published this results of their audit and other information on news stations and websites trying to get this information out to the public, legislatures and secretaries of states to make everyone aware of problems that this group found during their audits.

Who is New York Citizen Audit (NYCA)?

New York Citizens Audit is a non-partisan, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in New York.  New York Citizens Audit maintains they are dedicated to restoring and maintaining the essential, founding American principle of sovereignty through honest, provable elections in New York and across the nation. Their mission statement is they are dedicated to restoring and maintaining the essential, founding American principle of sovereignty through honest, provable elections in New York and across the nation.

Over 6,000 citizens statewide have signed NYCA petitions requesting an official investigation into its audit findings.  42 towns, in 15 counties, have signed the NYCA “Resolution for an Audit of New York’s 2022 General Election.”

According to New York Citizens Audit they had submitted an official complaint on August 17, 2023 to the SBOE Division of Election Law Enforcement. NYCA submit 5,142,950 apparent registration violations, and 745,294 apparent voting violations just from New York’s 2022 general election. To date, NYCA claims no action has been taken on their submission SBOE Division of Election Law Enforcement.

About two years ago this NYCA non-profit group started using publicly available voter roll databases which were obtained the directly from state and local boards of elections (BOE) using the NY Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).  According to NYCA's website, when NYCA began auditing these voter rolls, this group found massive irregularities in the 2020 voter rolls that appear to reflect violations of state and federal laws.  This audit information has been given to the NY legislature, the NY Secretary of State, and NY Board of Elections and nothing has been done. This malfeasance has materially affected the outcomes of New York elections.  NYCA believes that law enforcement should be involved at this point.

Who is Dr. Jerome R. Corsi?

Dr. Jerome Corsi, has a Ph.D and has worked as a Senior Staff Reporter for (World Net Daily), which is a news website network.  Dr. Corsi has worked in banking and finance for roughly 25 years and helped establish investment programs for banks in the United States and worldwide.  Dr. Jerome Corsi, also created financial planning services for retail customers.  According to Dr. Corsi biography, from 1968-1981, he worked at universities where he conducted research on federally funded grants.  In 1981, Dr. Corsi published “Terrorism as a Desperate Game: Fear, Bargaining, and Communication in the Terrorist Event,” in Journal of Conflict Resolution, a mathematical game-theoretical model for predicting the outcome of terrorist events.  This published journal resulted in Dr. Corsi being provided a top-secret clearance by the State Department’s Agency for International Development.

Who is Dr. Andrew Paquette?

Dr. Andrew Paquette biography states that he earned a PhD from King’s College, London, studying the link between topological awareness and computer graphics proficiency. Dr. Andrew Paquette has done worked in commercial art, academia, and research.  Dr. Andrew Paquette worked in the comics, video games, and films industry.  According to Dr. Andrew Paquette biography, he's published scholarly work on inexplicable algorithms he discovered in American voter roll databases and, prior to 2020, on paranormal dreams.

NYCA Audit of New York State Voter Registration Rolls and What Was Found.

Dr. Jerome R. Corsi stated that Dr. Andrew Paquette has proven by auditing the voter registration rolls in New York that the New York Voter Registration Rolls contained an algorithm that is designed to facilitate election fraud.

Dr. Jerome R. Corsi stated, that in an honest voter registration system, the voter who registers first gets Voter ID No. 1, the second voter to register gets Voter ID No. 2, etc.  In other words, there’s a direct correlation between the date order of registration and the ID number, with the ID numbers increasing by increments of one for each voter.  According to Dr. Paquette, what he found in New York's voter registration system is a different type of algorithm.  This algorithm changes the Voter ID number assignment, so that the ID numbers no longer increase by increments of one, so its no longer tied to the order in which voters register.  Instead, the ID numbers appear scrambled, with no linear sequential order.

Dr. Paquette told Dr. Corsi, “The algorithm that is still added to the New York state voter registration database is a complex mathematically driven cryptographic scheme that involves National Security Agency-level of complexity,”

In one of the articles below, which was created in 2023 called, “The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in the New York State Voter Rolls,” paper is partially posted on our website and Dr. Corsi website and an example is posted on the American Thinker.  Dr. Corsi stated that this was published in the Journal of Information Warfare. Dr. Paquette explained in his hypothesis that this algorithm provides a potential for election fraud in the New York State elections.

Are they Finding Algorithms in other State Registration Rolls?

The answer is YES! Dr. Paquette and Dr. Corsi also have examined other states voter registration rolls in Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and some other states.  The algorithms have turned up in other state voter registration rolls as well.

Peer Review Politics asks that if you live in a state with mail in voting, please immediately contact your secretary of state and members of your legislature and warned them about this algorithm.  If your secretary or legislature has questions, they should contact Dr. Corsi at his website.  If your legislature or secretary doesn't respond kindly to your inquiry, it may be likely that your state legislature, secretary, or board of elections know there is an issue with the voter rolls and are unwilling to address the problem, this could be because they are likely part of the problem.  At this point your are going to need to work with other constituents to get an audit done and likely your group or party may need to file a lawsuit.

In a decision made in American Encore v. Adrian Fontes by Federal District Court Judge Michael T. Liburdi, weaponizing algorithms in various state boards of elections official voter registration databases as a tool to block the certification of elections that bear the modus operandi of mail-in ballot election fraud.  This Federal District Court Judge Michael T. Liburdi ruled that the Canvass Provision was unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment:

The right to vote is fundamental. Harper v. Va. State Board. of Elections, 383 U.S. 663, 667 (1966). “A state law or practice that unduly burdens or restricts that fundamental right violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”  Election Integrity Project Cal., Inc. v. Weber, 113 F.4th 1072, 1082 (9th Cir. 2024).  Plaintiffs agree that the plain terms of the Canvass Provision in Arizona require the Secretary to nullify a county’s votes if the county board of supervisors fail to timely canvass.  Courts have routinely recognized that disfranchisement is a severe burden on the right to vote.  See, Fla. Democratic Party v. Detzner, No. 16-CV607, 2016 WL 6090943, at *6 (N.D. Fla. October 16, 2016) (“If disfranchising thousands of eligible voters does not amount to a severe burden on the right to vote, then this Court is at a loss as to what does.”).

Below are research audits and analyses articles for registration rolls in these states:
New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Picture of AndrewPaquette's First Page of the NewYork CaesarCipher Paper Picture of AndrewPaquette's First Page of the Preliminary Report Picture of AndrewPaquette's First Page of the Preliminary Report Picture of AndrewPaquette's First Page of the Preliminary Report Picture of AndrewPaquette's First Page of the Preliminary Report

Voter Rolls for the 2024 Election Have Issues that could Change the Election Results.

2024 Election: We will be posting new information shortly about a group who has found serious issues with an algorithm being installed in the voter rolls, which allow someone to control the vote in states that have mail in elections.  Our understanding there's cryptographic algorithms that are hidden in the State Bureau of Elections Official voter registration database throughout a bunch of these states who accept mail in votes.  This was done in order to facilitate fraudulent voting of the mail in vote by voters who don't exist.

So far this group, which has examined voter rolls in several states, whereby they have found an cryptographic algorithms in the voter rolls.  This group has contacted the Secretaries of State for New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Texas, New Jersey, Hawaii, and they believe many other states.

Currently, this group is asking attorneys to prepare legal challenges in battle ground states in advance.  The fact that there are existence of clone voter registrants without registration dates or voter registration dates before the birth dates of the cloned voter is a dead giveaway.  This group believes that the only people capable of doing these kind cryptographic algorithms are intelligence agencies.

According to the groups research in to the New York voting rolls, they found an estimate of about 2 million illegal clone records in the voting rolls for New York.  A clone record is two or more unique state identifiers or state ID's (SID).  Clones are illegal under state and federal law, because they allow for generation of multiple ballots per voter per election.  If these clones were generated by mistake or administrative error, there should be no way to track them separately from other records.  The investigation into New York, resulted at least 4 algorithms that were found to be used as part of the ID assignment process.  This is what led to this group checking into other state voter rolls, which also to our understanding, this group is now finding these algorithms in other state voter rolls. 

Our understanding is the Trump Campaign has been contacted about this as well as each secretaries of each state.  We will be posting this evidence real soon on our site with a link to his website.  We ask voters to vote early, don't wait to vote, check your ballot prior to voting, and after voting.  This is why the Trump Campaign is asking you to vote early, Its to make, the election to big to rig.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Review Politics - @Teapartier_Al on Peer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: October 15, 2024Video Clip(s) Duration: 00:00:00Videos, Photos, and Summary Credits: 

First Part of the Georgia Election Hearings - 2020.


Election hearing provided by Epoch Times and NTD.

  • Attribution Link: Peer Reviewed Politics By Peer Reviewed PoliticsDate: December 10, 2020 | Photo / Video Credits: NTD / Epoch Times

Second Part of the Georgia Election Hearings.

Election hearing provided by Epoch Times.

  • Attribution Link: Peer Reviewed Politics By Peer Reviewed PoliticsDate: December 10, 2020 | Photo / Video Credits: NTD / Epoch Times

Sidney Powell 2020-2021 filings for Arizona.


Sidney Powell 2020-2021 filings for Georgia.

EMERGENCY PETITION UNDER RULE 20 FOR EXTRAORDINARY WRIT OF MANDAMUS to the United States Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

Sidney Powell 2020-2021 filings for Michigan

Emergency Petition under rule 20 for Extraordinary Writ of Mandamus - Michigan

Sidney Powell 2020-2021 filings for Wisconsin

Picture of Legal Documents