Local Government Corruption

Corrupt Business and Police Officer Filed a False Police Report Against A Peer Reviewed Politics™ Reporter For Exposing Federal HIPPA and State Unprofessional Conduct Law Violations

(Renton, Washington): Baze Chiropractic and a Renton Police Officer filed a false police report with the Renton City prosecutor against a Peer Reviewed Politics™ reporter Alan Hoffer (An experienced IT person, licensed XII rated Remote Pilot, and video/photographer), which was investigating Federal HIPPA violations and unethical conduct by Baze Chiropractic, who targeted one of their patients, which happened to be the domestic partner of the Peer Reviewed Politics (formerly known as slimshadypolitics™) reporter.

  • Story: Read more about the Shady Bunch here.Attribution / Author: @Teapartier_Al on X.com / The Mole at Peer Reviewed PoliticsDate: December 28, 2020 - On Going Investigations - Last Updated: June 19, 2024 | Photo / Video Credits: Alan Hoffer

Federal Government Corruption

Biden Administration, U.N., and Red Cross are Behind an Organized Operation to Send Illegal Aliens into the United States.

Photo Credit: qcostarica.com

Peer Reviewed Politics: The Biden Administration, the United Nations, and the Red Cross have organized an illegal effort to bring in millions of illegal aliens into the United States without seeking the proper legislation and/or authorization from congress as required by the Constitution under Article I, § 8, clause 4.

The Biden Administration and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been lying to WeThePeople and congress over and over that the border is secure and President Joe Biden even asked congress in March of 2023 for increased spending on border security in the President's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget .

The president stated that he would allocate nearly $25 billion to U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement in his 2024 budget in order to control illegal immigration at U.S. Border, which is nearly an $800 million increase over the 2023 border budget.

What makes this disturbing, the Biden Administration's has been talking out of both sides of its mouth, while congress and the media either have not been smart enough to catch on to the lies and scam or congress and the media are complacent with the actions of the Biden administration.

While DHS is getting all this money to secure the border, the Biden administration has also organized an operation with the help of the United Nations (U.N.) and Red Cross, which Peer Reviewed Politics calls it a Flea Flicker Operation, that actually sends illegal aliens to the United States, while the Biden administration is lying to the public claiming our government is doing something about the illegal alien invasion.

Essentially, the Federal Government (Biden Administration) is behind this massive 'Flea Flicker' operation, which is paying countries to help send illegal aliens into U.S., while the Biden Administration, Department of Home Land Security, some in congress, and the fake news have been lying to the public, stating our border is secured.

According to Panamanian government, the U.S. Government has allocated Panama over $50 million since 2020 for humanitarian assistance in the immigration crisis.   According to the U.S. embassy, Panama had received over $18 million in 2022, which was four times greater than the amount Panama received in 2021.  Panama stated they have spent near $8 million in 2022 on food alone just so these aliens would have food to eat while passing-through Panama.

The end result is the American people are paying to keep illegal aliens out of our country, while we are also funding programs in Costa Rica and Panama called 'Controlled Flow', whereas this program is helping bring illegal aliens into the United States, which is being facilitated by the United Nations and Red Cross, while being paid for by the United States Tax Payers.

UN Visa Card Photo Credit: @BensmanTodd on X (formerly Known as Twitter)

This program is setting up migrant camps in Panama and Costa Rica, which will provide food, money, and transportation on buses for these illegal aliens, so they can make the journey to the United States and then illegally enter into the United States.

UN Visa Card Photo Credit: @BensmanTodd on X (formerly Known as Twitter)

These type of programs are such a waste of taxpayer money and resources, whereas this money could be used to help our fellow citizens, homeless population, veteran programs, and more.  The question is why are congress and the media being silent about these illegal programs?  We think that the lack of outrage by the public is due to the lack of knowledge about this information.  The Biden Administration is not being transparent and lying about what's' going on outside our border, and the lack of media willing to report on these type of issues.

It's baffling to us here at Peer Reviewed Politics and we're sure that if the taxpayer knew this was happening, the taxpayer would certainly agree there is something rotten in Washington D.C. is going on.

The public should understand that Article 1 of the United States Constitution grants only Congress the power to establish a uniform rule on naturalization not the President or the Executive branch, (See U.S. Const. Art. I, § 8, cl. 4).

Naturalization is defined in United States Code as conferring the nationality of a state upon a person after birth, [See 8 USC 1101(a)(23)].  The Legislative branch enacts the laws and the Executive branch enforces the laws.  In Galvan v. Press, the Supreme Court stated, “The formulation of immigration policies is entrusted exclusively to Congress.  The Court in Chae Chan Ping v. United States described Congress’s immigration power as uncontroversial, stating, “jurisdiction over its own territory . . . is an incident of every independent nation.”

Since the President and the Executive Branch doesn't have the power to fund or grant any type immigration rights to illegal aliens without the blessing of congress, these illegal acts of the President and the Executive Branch causing our country to be invaded should be challenged in the courts by Congress.  Yet, we don't see congress challenging the President's actions by bringing a suit in court for these illegal acts or starting an impeachment against President Biden for a dereliction of his duties to protect this country from invasion.

Mark Levin also makes some great points on congress being AOL and derelict in their duties to secure the border of our country as required by our constitution.

  • Article: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article Attribution: The Panama Perspective, Center for Immigration Studies, Immigration & Human Rights Law Review, the U.S. Constitution, and case law,Peer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: September 28, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:08:14Photos and Video Credit: Todd Bensman on X (formerly Known as Twitter), qcostarica.com, and TheBlaze.com

Chairmen Smith, Jordan, and Comer Demand Leaked Documents About DOJ Interactions with Hunter Bidens' Attorneys.

Read the full letter to Hunter Biden’s attorneys. Click here to view document
Click on document to enlarge

WASHINGTON D.C.:  House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), and House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) yesterday sent a letter to Hunter Biden’s attorneys Christopher Clark and Abbe Lowell demanding the leaked documents about their interactions with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding Hunter Biden’s unprecedented plea deal.

Excerpts of the letter:

The Committees are asking for the Biden Attorneys to respond to the these questions below in order fulfill the Ways and Means oversight obligations:

  • The 32-page letter from Mr. Clark to U.S. Attorney David Weiss regarding a potential gun charge against Hunter Biden that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The 100-slide PowerPoint presentation regarding potential tax charges against Hunter Biden that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • All e-mails from Mr. Clark to the head of the Department’s Criminal Division, the head of the Department’s Tax Division, the Office of Legal Counsel, the Office of the Solicitor General, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer seeking meetings that are referenced in the Politico article.
  • The May 11 e-mail from Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer to Mr. Clark that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The May 18 communication between an attorney for Hunter Biden and two prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, including but not limited to the first draft of the proposed deal between Biden and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, that is referenced in the Politico article and the New York Times article.
  • The May 18 communication between Lesley Wolf of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware and Hunter Biden’s attorneys that included a list of must haves for a potential deal that is referenced in the Politico article and the New York Times article.
  • The May 19 communication between Lesley Wolf and Hunter Biden’s attorneys where Ms. Wolf pointed to another deal with the camera company Aegis Electronic Group, Inc. that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The May 19 communication between one of Hunter Biden’s attorneys and prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, including another draft pretrial diversion agreement addressing both the gun and tax issues, that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The June 2 e-mail from Mr. Clark to Lesley Wolf that included sample immunity language that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The post-June 2 e-mails between Hunter Biden’s attorneys and prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware where the deal was line-edited that are referenced in the Politico article.
  • The June 7 e-mail from Lesley Wolf to Mr. Clark that included the final immunity language that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The June 19 e-mail from U.S. Attorney Weiss’s top deputy to Mr. Clark regarding a press call that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The e-mail from Mr. Clark responding to the June 19 e-mail referenced above, including two versions of a statement that Hunter Biden’s attorneys planned to release when the deal became public, that is referenced in the Politico article
  • The June 19 e-mail from Shannon Hanson of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware to Mr. Clark asking to remove two words from the statement describing the status of the investigation that is referenced in the New York Times article.
  • The pretrial diversion report sent on July 24 from the Chief Probation Officer for the District of Delaware to Hunter Biden’s attorneys and the prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • The July 31 communication from prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware to Hunter Biden’s attorneys regarding suggested changes to the plea agreement and pretrial diversion agreement that is referenced in the Politico article
  • The August 7 letter from Mr. Clark to prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware rejecting the suggested changes set forth in the July 31 communication that is referenced in the Politico article.
  • All documents and communications not listed above shared by or at the direction of Hunter Biden’s attorneys with the New York Times, Politico, or any other news organization regarding the settlement negotiations in the following cases: United States v. Biden, 1:23-cr-00061 (D. Del. 2023); United States v. Biden, 1:23-mj-00274 (D. Del. 2023).
  • All communications between Clark Smith Villazor LLP, Winston & Strawn LLP, or any member of the Biden legal defense team and the New York Times, Politico, or any other news organization concerning the materials referenced, explicitly or otherwise, in the New York Times article or Politico article.
  • All other communications between Clark Smith Villazor LLP, Winston & Strawn LLP, or any member of the Biden legal defense team and the Department of Justice, including any U.S. Attorney’s Office.

  • Ways and Means and another committee are asking that Hunter Biden’s attorneys, "provide this information as soon as possible but not later than 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2023.”
    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™PDF Attribution: Ways and Means CommitteePeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: September 07, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photo/Video Credit: Snapshots of a PDF's from the Ways and Means Committee website.

    Oversight Committee Chairman Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

    WASHINGTON:  House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a third bank records memorandum, which details new information obtained in the Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling and pay to play schemes.  This new memorandum outlines how the Bidens and their business associates received millions of dollars from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

    After Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payments, then Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son’s foreign associates in Washington, D.C., which also included Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner that recently testified that Vice President Joe Biden's name “the brand” was sold to enrich the Biden family and was used to send “signals” of access, power, and influence.

    Chairman Comer stated, “During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine.  It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself.  And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered.  This is made clear by meals at Café Milano where then Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from around the world who had sent money to his son.”

    Chairman Comer went on to say, “It’s clear Joe Biden knew about his son’s business dealings and allowed himself to be ‘the brand’ sold to enrich the Biden family, while he was Vice President of the United States.  The House Oversight Committee will continue to follow the money trail and obtain witness testimony to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised or corrupt, and our national security is threatened.”

    The third bank records memorandum can be found below with other memorandum's and the Devon Archer transcript.

    First Bank Records Memorandum. Click here to view document First Bank Records Memorandum
    Click on document to enlarge

    Second Bank Records Memorandum. Click here to view document Second Bank Records Memorandum
    Click on document to enlarge

    Third Bank Records Memorandum - Redacted. Click here to view document Third Bank Records Memorandum
    Click on document to enlarge

    Devon Archer Transcribed Interview Transcript. Click here to view transcript. Devon Archer Transcribed Interview Transcript
    Click on document to enlarge
    Timeline Picture.  Click here to go the timeline. Biden Family Influence Peddling Time Line
    Click on picture to view the time line
    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: Committee On Oversight and AccountabilityPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: August 10, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photo/Video Credit: Snapshots of a PDF's and snapshot of timeline graphic from the Committee On Oversight and Accountability website.

    Bombshell Document Found and Its Devastating to President Joe Biden; Impeachment Very Likely Now.

    Bombshell document recovered by Tucker Carlson in an interview with Devon Archer, which delivers the knockout blow to President Joe Biden.  This document is sure to spell doom for the sitting President Joe Biden and cause his impeachment.

    The document shows and proves that Joe Biden and his son Richard Hunter Biden were doing business with Devon Archer, unlike what Joe Biden has been claiming and what Congressman Dan Goldman claimed on July 31, 2023 after a closed door hearing with the Oversight Committee.

    This document clearly proves that President Joe Biden and the Democrats have all been lying all along.

    Tucker Carlson use to work for Foxnews as a Journalist until he was released by FoxNews earlier this year.  Tucker Carlson is now on X (formerly called Twitter) and this is his 12th episode on X.  Mr. Carlson also has his own website too, its called tuckercarlson.com

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Journalist Video and Media Attribution: X (formerly called Twitter) @TuckerCarlsonArticle Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: August 03, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:11:43Photo/Video Credit: Video Clip of IRS Whistle Blower Gary Shapley - Full Committee Oversight Hearing

    Testimony of IRS whistle blower Mr. Gary Shapley at a Full Committee Hearing of the Oversight Committee.

    We know that most people were not able to watch the full committee hearing of the Oversight Committee on July 19, 2023, which was in regards to the criminal behavior of Hunter Biden, his family, and how government officials and attorneys have been trying to cover up the treasonous behavior of President Joe Biden and the tax evasion and bribery schemes of both the President Joe Biden, Richard Hunter Biden and other Biden family members.

    We here at Peer Reviewed Politics ended watching most of the hearing, which was about 6 hours and 19 minutes long.  We shorten the video on YouTube to a clip size, so you can hear directly from the IRS Special Agent without anyone on the Oversight Committee questioning the whistle blowers.  This particular clip of the video is approximately 13 minutes and 33 seconds long and it’s an opening statement and narrative without questions.

    This video clip provides credible testimony by IRS whistle blower Mr. Gary Shapley who is a 14-year veteran of the IRS Criminal Investigation division who was investigating Richard Hunter Bidens for tax evasion.

    Mr. Shapley’s testimony and Mr. Ziegler’s testimony has knocked the Biden Administration off their feet and they are currently down for the count.  Because of the testimonies by these whistle blowers, it is believed that Judge Maryellen Noreika who was hearing Hunter Biden's plea agreement and the governments plea deal, which entailed pleading guilty to two counts of evading taxes and a diversion agreement requiring Hunter Biden to remain drug-free and crime-free to see a felony gun charge dismissed, has refused to accept federal prosecutors plea deal.

    It also appears there is evidence of malfeasance by either Attorney General Garland and/or Delaware Prosecutor David Weiss as well.

    We will post Mr. Ziegler’s testimony in another post here.  You may watch the full hearing at this link too if you want, just scroll it back to the beginning of the video and you can watch the whole video.  This is a clipped video testimony of IRS Criminal Investigation Agent Mr. Gary Shapley on July 19, 2023.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Video and Media Attribution: YouTube Video - Full Committee Oversight HearingArticle Author and Clip Maker: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: August 03, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:13:33Photo/Video Credit: Video Clip of IRS Whistle Blower Gary Shapley - Full Committee Oversight Hearing

    Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected

    Ways and Mean Commitee Logo

    WASHINGTON, D.C.: A Ways and Means Committee executive meeting resulted in a vote to release to the public whistle blower testimony of two different IRS employees who worked directly on the tax evasion case of Hunter Biden.  That testimony outlines misconduct and government abuse at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the investigation of Hunter Biden.  The allegations point to a steady campaign of: unequal treatment of enforcing tax law; Department of Justice (DOJ) interference in the form of delays, divulgence's, and denials, into the investigation of tax crimes that may have been committed by the President’s son; and finally, retaliation against IRS employees who blew the whistle on the misconduct.

    Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement:

    “Today, the Ways and Means Committee voted to make public the testimony of IRS employees blowing the whistle on misconduct at the IRS and the Biden Department of Justice regarding unequal enforcement of tax law, interference and government abuse in the handling of investigations into criminal activity by President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and retaliation against IRS employees blowing the whistle on this abuse.

    “The American people deserve to know that when it comes to criminal enforcement, they are not on the same playing field as the wealthy and politically connected class.  The preferential treatment Hunter Biden received would never have been granted to ordinary Americans.

    “Whistle blowers describe how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging, and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.  The testimony shows tactics used by the Justice Department to delay the investigation long enough to reach the statute of limitations, evidence they divulged sensitive actions by the investigative team to Biden’s attorneys, and denied requests by the U.S. Attorney to bring charges against Biden.

    “IRS employees who blew the whistle on this abuse were retaliated against, despite a commitment IRS Commissioner Werfel made before the Ways and Means Committee to uphold their legal protections.  They were removed from this investigation after they responsibly worked through the chain of command to raise these concerns.

    “The Committee has acted in good faith with participation from both Democrats and Republicans, as the issues raised today ought to be a bipartisan concern.  Hopefully we can find a path forward to continue to go where the facts lead us.  If the federal government is not treating all taxpayers equally, or if it is changing the rules to engineer a preferred outcome, Congress has a duty to ask why and to hold agencies accountable and consider appropriate legislative action.  The scales of justice must not be skewed in favor of the wealthy and the politically connected.”

    The transcripts for the whistle blower testimony are posted below:

  • Whistleblower #1 redacted transcript

  • Whistleblower #1 redacted affidavit

  • Whistleblower #2 redacted transcript

  • Whistleblower #2 redacted supplemental submission

  • June 7, 2023 letter

  • What the Committee Has Learned:

    The federal government is not treating all taxpayers the same – and providing preferential treatment to the wealthy and well-connected, including the son of the President of the United States.

  • Despite the fact that IRS officials recommended that Hunter Biden be charged with criminal activity that includes attempts to evade or defeat taxes, fraud and false statements, and willful failures to file returns, supply information, or pay taxes for over $8.3 million in income, Mr. Biden received preferential treatment in the course of the investigation, and has struck a plea deal that will likely keep him out from behind bars. Meanwhile…

  • In 2014, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida announced that a man was sentenced to 13 months in prison to be followed by a year of supervised release for failing to file an income tax return, the same misdemeanor tax offense that Hunter Biden was charged with.

  • The Department of Justice interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s clear tax issues with a “Delay, Divulge, and Deny” campaign – that ultimately shielded him by allowing the statute of limitations to pass on his tax crimes.

  • DELAY: Recurring unjustified delays pervaded the investigation, including in authenticating the message between Hunter Biden and Chinese officials.  Investigators were told by U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf that “there is no way” a search warrant for evidence would get approved because the evidence of interest would be found in the guest house of former Vice President Biden.

  • DIVULGE: Investigators found out that attorneys for Hunter Biden were tipped off about actions relating to the investigation in advance.  For example, even as investigators had probable cause to search a Northern Virginia storage unit in which Hunter Biden had stored files, attorneys for Biden were tipped off.

  • DENY: U.S. Attorney of Delaware David Weiss tried to bring charges in District of Columbia around March 2022 and was denied.  Weiss sought special counsel status from DOJ in the Spring of 2022 and was denied.  Weiss sought to bring charges in the Central District of California in the Fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023.

  • IRS employees worked through the chain of command to blow the whistle on this misconduct – only to be met with hostility and retaliation, leading them to come to the Ways and Means Committee.

  • Actions were taken to cut the IRS investigative team out of the process after they raised concerns up their chain of command.  One whistle blower was not selected for a position, when he was more qualified than the candidate who was selected.  Limits and pauses have been placed on other, unrelated investigations that the whistle blowers are working on – which hamper the investigators’ ability to do their work or advance.  The whistle blowers and their entire team were removed from the investigation on May 15, 2023, after blowing the whistle to Congress.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: Ways and Means CommitteePress Release: Ways and Means CommitteeDate: July 02, 2023Video Duration: 00:00:00Photo/Video Credit: Ways and Means Committee Logo - onthecommons.org

    Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected

    Ways and Mean Commitee Logo

    WASHINGTON, D.C.: A Ways and Means Committee executive meeting resulted in a vote to release to the public whistle blower testimony of two different IRS employees who worked directly on the tax evasion case of Hunter Biden.  That testimony outlines misconduct and government abuse at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the investigation of Hunter Biden.  The allegations point to a steady campaign of: unequal treatment of enforcing tax law; Department of Justice (DOJ) interference in the form of delays, divulgence's, and denials, into the investigation of tax crimes that may have been committed by the President’s son; and finally, retaliation against IRS employees who blew the whistle on the misconduct.

    Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement:

    “Today, the Ways and Means Committee voted to make public the testimony of IRS employees blowing the whistle on misconduct at the IRS and the Biden Department of Justice regarding unequal enforcement of tax law, interference and government abuse in the handling of investigations into criminal activity by President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and retaliation against IRS employees blowing the whistle on this abuse.

    “The American people deserve to know that when it comes to criminal enforcement, they are not on the same playing field as the wealthy and politically connected class.  The preferential treatment Hunter Biden received would never have been granted to ordinary Americans.

    “Whistle blowers describe how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging, and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.  The testimony shows tactics used by the Justice Department to delay the investigation long enough to reach the statute of limitations, evidence they divulged sensitive actions by the investigative team to Biden’s attorneys, and denied requests by the U.S. Attorney to bring charges against Biden.

    “IRS employees who blew the whistle on this abuse were retaliated against, despite a commitment IRS Commissioner Werfel made before the Ways and Means Committee to uphold their legal protections.  They were removed from this investigation after they responsibly worked through the chain of command to raise these concerns.

    “The Committee has acted in good faith with participation from both Democrats and Republicans, as the issues raised today ought to be a bipartisan concern.  Hopefully we can find a path forward to continue to go where the facts lead us.  If the federal government is not treating all taxpayers equally, or if it is changing the rules to engineer a preferred outcome, Congress has a duty to ask why and to hold agencies accountable and consider appropriate legislative action.  The scales of justice must not be skewed in favor of the wealthy and the politically connected.”

    The transcripts for the whistle blower testimony are posted below:

  • Whistleblower #1 redacted transcript

  • Whistleblower #1 redacted affidavit

  • Whistleblower #2 redacted transcript

  • Whistleblower #2 redacted supplemental submission

  • June 7, 2023 letter

  • What the Committee Has Learned:

    The federal government is not treating all taxpayers the same – and providing preferential treatment to the wealthy and well-connected, including the son of the President of the United States.

  • Despite the fact that IRS officials recommended that Hunter Biden be charged with criminal activity that includes attempts to evade or defeat taxes, fraud and false statements, and willful failures to file returns, supply information, or pay taxes for over $8.3 million in income, Mr. Biden received preferential treatment in the course of the investigation, and has struck a plea deal that will likely keep him out from behind bars. Meanwhile…

  • In 2014, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida announced that a man was sentenced to 13 months in prison to be followed by a year of supervised release for failing to file an income tax return, the same misdemeanor tax offense that Hunter Biden was charged with.

  • The Department of Justice interfered in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s clear tax issues with a “Delay, Divulge, and Deny” campaign – that ultimately shielded him by allowing the statute of limitations to pass on his tax crimes.

  • DELAY: Recurring unjustified delays pervaded the investigation, including in authenticating the message between Hunter Biden and Chinese officials.  Investigators were told by U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf that “there is no way” a search warrant for evidence would get approved because the evidence of interest would be found in the guest house of former Vice President Biden.

  • DIVULGE: Investigators found out that attorneys for Hunter Biden were tipped off about actions relating to the investigation in advance.  For example, even as investigators had probable cause to search a Northern Virginia storage unit in which Hunter Biden had stored files, attorneys for Biden were tipped off.

  • DENY: U.S. Attorney of Delaware David Weiss tried to bring charges in District of Columbia around March 2022 and was denied.  Weiss sought special counsel status from DOJ in the Spring of 2022 and was denied.  Weiss sought to bring charges in the Central District of California in the Fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023.

  • IRS employees worked through the chain of command to blow the whistle on this misconduct – only to be met with hostility and retaliation, leading them to come to the Ways and Means Committee.

  • Actions were taken to cut the IRS investigative team out of the process after they raised concerns up their chain of command.  One whistle blower was not selected for a position, when he was more qualified than the candidate who was selected.  Limits and pauses have been placed on other, unrelated investigations that the whistle blowers are working on – which hamper the investigators’ ability to do their work or advance.  The whistle blowers and their entire team were removed from the investigation on May 15, 2023, after blowing the whistle to Congress.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: Ways and Means CommitteePress Release: Ways and Means CommitteeDate: July 02, 2023Video Duration: 00:00:00Photo/Video Credit: Ways and Means Committee Logo - onthecommons.org

    Oversight Committee Chairman Comer Releases Personal Check to President Joe Biden.

    WASHINGTON: Breaking News  House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY.) released direct evidence on Friday, October 20, 2023 of large payment made to President Joe Biden by his brother James Biden.

    The Oversight Committee obtained by subpoena the bank records of James Biden, which revealed a $200,000 direct payment from James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden in the form of a personal check.  Chairman Comer, in September, issued three subpoenas to obtain Hunter and James Bidden’s personal and business bank records.

    Joesph Biden's Personal Check to President Joe Biden. Click here to view document Joseph Biden's Personal Check
    Right click on document to open larger image in a new tab.

    Chairman Comer subpoenaed Hunter & James Biden’s personal and business bank records on September 28, 2023, as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

    According to the Oversight Committee, in 2018, James Biden received $600.000 in loans from Americore Health, LLC, - is a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator, which filed Chapter 11.  In Americore's bankruptcy court documents, it states that James Biden had received loans “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

    The subpoena uncovered that on March 1, 2018, Americore had wired a $200,000 into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account as a loan.  This loan money was not put into their business bank account.

    According to the records obtained, on the very same day James Biden received this loan, James Biden then wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden, prior to Joe Biden becoming the President of the United States.

    Chairman Comer released a video on X.com (formerly Twitter) outlining this direct payment.  Chairman Comer then stated that President Biden must answer the American people about the check he had received from his brother.

    Click on embedded document to view on x.com

    Chairman Comer did say that there will be more to come from these subpoena's.  We have no doubt that Representative Comer and Representative Jim Jordan will find more evidence of the treasonous pay to play scheme that Joe and Hunter Biden setup to make millions.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: Committee On Oversight and AccountabilityPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: October 22, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:02:37Photo/Video Credit: Video and Snapshot of the graphic from the government Oversight and Accountability website.

    YouTube Removes Jordan Peterson’s Interview of Robert F. Kennedy’s Jr., for Alleged Vaccine Misinformation.

    Well, the election hasn’t even started and we already have the Communist Party (DNC) and Deep State (RINOs and the Establishment) working overtime in censoring speech again.

    This week’s censoring of speech is brought to you by none other than ‘YouTube’ and their ‘Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.’  Just another page out of Joseph Goebbels playbook in our opinion.

    We believe YouTube’s play here is if you don’t like what you hear, then censor it, just like Nazi Germany did in order to control all forms of mass communication, which included the newspaper, music, literature, radio, and film.

    Most people wonder why YouTube and other social media groups like Facebook and others censor information and also misuse the meaning context of the word ‘Misinformation’ as these social media groups are not publishers and their companies are not supposedly in the business of doing fact checking, the news, or posting media posts, and/or other types writings.

    These forums are supposed to allow for free speech conversations to take place on a large variety of things and that’s why it’s called social media.  Yet these so-called social media oligarchs that run these sites, only seem to censor things they and their comrades don't like, especially when it comes to posts or statements made by conservatives, which can be true information that has something to do with politics or other types ideologies the democrat party don’t want the public to know about.

    We’ve seen censoring and labeling made against conservatives posts in past elections and it is still happening today.  In fact its getting way worse by the day on Facebook, YouTube, and other forums like Next Door Neighbor, whereas these social media groups only target one side of the conversation, when it comes to politics or other things that these leftist groups are pushing at the time.  Luckily, Twitter is no longer among these media sites that do censoring, since Twitter was bought out by Elon Musk and he has promised an open forum that welcomes many views and news without censorship.

    Most of these left-wing groups censor conservative thought and speech, regardless if the information is true and correct.  These social media groups will either tag these conversations as misinformation or completely censor the information, even if it is coming from their own party, should it be something that the leftist party doesn’t like, as you can see here in the case of the RFK Jr. interview, where he speaks about his thoughts on vaccinations and more.

    In case you don't know who Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is, he is a democrat, and the nephew of Former President John F. Kennedy and is the son of former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.  RFK Jr. is currently running for President of the United States in 2024, as a Democrat, whereas the Democratic National Committee and other left wing groups are currently censoring Mr. Kennedy and they won't allow Mr. Kennedy to debate President Joe Biden in these now closed off DNC Primaries.

    Yet, over and over, these social media, local, national, and cable news companies allow posting and discussion of fake news from communist leftist, only later to end up with egg on their faces by allowing these leftist to post hoaxes on their social media sites and on the local, national and cable news too, while censoring real news and truthful posts that they don’t want the public to know about.

    Also if you are paying attention, you may have noticed that nothing ever happens to the fake leftist posts on social media and on the news.  When the left is caught lying to the public or pushing misinformation, there are no apologies, corrections, or labeling from the social media, national, cable or local news either, i.e., just look at the Trump Collusion Hoax, the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the Christopher Steele fabricated dossier hoax, the Ukrainian hoax, New York state’s $250 million fraud suit hoax, the climate change hoax, the Smollett hoax, the Summer of Love hoax, the peaceful protesters hoax, "Trump called racists fine people" hoax, the Jan 6th insurrection hoax, the Covid wet market hoax, Ivermectin OD's overwhelming hospitals hoax, “Non-Vaccine Knuckle Dragging GOP Memebers are Spreading Covid” Hoax, Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping hoax, NASCAR noose hoax, Hunter Biden Russian Disinformation Laptop Hoax, FBI Raid on Mara logo Hoax and many other news stories or posts.

    You might ask, doesn't social media or the news ever take down these leftist hoaxes and misinformation, or do they even fact check their news or media posts?  The quick answer is no!  In fact, most of these leftist hoaxes and misinformation posts and news are still being reported on these social media sites today, including the local, national, and cable news.  So if you're not that savvy at looking up and checking information, you may still think some of these hoaxes we listed are real, which may result in you voting in a different way than you normally would.  The short story here would apply to these situations, “When the emperor wears no clothes, those who praise his regal attire attempt to bury the truth with rags of lies,” which is an expression made by Danish Author Hans Christian Andersen.  In other words; those who praise the Biden Administration seek to bury the truth to maintain a false reality of things, but will they actually risk standing naked in front of the truth, along with the emperor?  Today’s truth, unlike yesterday’s truth, yes, these leftists would stand naked with the emperor and they would even yell “Shame” on those who uncovered the truth while being naked too.  This is something we never seen in our country before.

    One must ask why are we seeing this type of behavior?  Well, most of the news and these social media sites are now being run by leftists kooks, Marxists, communist media control groups, and even the national, cable, and local news networks are partaking in pushing these hoaxes and misinformation out to brainwash voters.  Lots of the people who view these media sites or watch local, national or cable news don’t know this and viewers don’t research what they read or see either.

    This is why these con-artist will repeat the lies and misinformation over and over again. In fact, it’s getting harder for people to even know what the real truth is any more, since all these social media groups and the news will repeat, rinse, and re-rinse the same misinformation and lies on their networks, over and over again.  We here at Peer Reviewed Politics see this every day, when we do our own peer reviewing work on subjects that we are posting, reporting or writing about.

    So, this is why we are posting a link to this 95-minute interview that’s on multitude of issues besides vaccines.  The interview is called “Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat,” which was published on June 5, 2023 with Dr. Jordan Peterson interviewing RFK Jr.  The leftist’s media sites are not allowing the interview to be posted and it’s not being picked up and reported by news media either, because RFK Jr. is talking about vaccinations in the interview.

    The DNC, social media, local news, national news, cable news, and other corrupt cronies seem to be working hard at making sure Robert Kennedy Jr., is not getting a platform to deliver any type of information out to the public.  We think this maybe because these leftists have determined it would be seriously detrimental to President Biden winning the Democrat Primary should RFK Jr or others get information out to the public.

    In this interview Peterson and Kennedy are discussing COVID-19 vaccines, so YouTube cited its vaccine misinformation policy as the justification for censoring the interview in its response to the Jordan Peterson’s Interview.  We here at Peer Reviewed Politics feel its important that public get a chance to listen to this information and RFK Jr., in order to hear other talking points besides President Joe Biden and his controling lapdog media.

    New YorkNew York is Likely to Suffer Consequences of Corruption when Judge Arthur Engoron Ordered Donald Trump and his Companies to Pay Almost $355 Million.

    Governor Kathy Hochul Picture

    Peer Reviewed Politics™: In a ruling in the New York civil fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James against Former President Donald Trump, Judge Arthur Engoron claims that Former President Donald Trump defrauded banks and insurers on the worth of his real estate empire.

    Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Donald Trump and his companies to pay almost $355 million in alleged damages.  Also, in the court ordered, that the former president is barred from serving as an officer or director of any company in New York for three years.

    Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were also ordered to pay $4 million each for a questionable allegation of fraud.  Both Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for two years.

    This ruling should scare any business, company, and/or corporation to death if they are doing business in New York, as the State of New York valued the Former Presidents billion dollar property (Mar-a-lago) in Florida at only 18 million dollars and claimed that former President Trump had committed financial fraud by using his property for collateral to secure loans and providing financial perspective or balanced scorecard to the banks and insurers to obtain business loans and insurance, which according to all the banks that Donald Trudmp did business with were all paid back on time with the agree upon interest rate and no claims were made against insurers.

    This fraudulent ruling appears to be made based on politics alone, but for the State of New York to go after the former President because they don't like Donald Trump should set off warning lights and bells to other businesses that do business in the State of New York too as the State could soon come after them next.

    @Teapartier_Al on X.com on February 16, 2024 stated that this sets a very bad precedence and is dangerous, because banks and insurers set their own requirements to get loans and insurance, whereas banks and insurers don't depend on a businesses financial perspective or balanced scorecard in order to make loans or insure things.  This corrupt ruling now will hit the law books in New York as case law and it could now be used against any other businesses in the future that does business in the State of New York.

    @Teapartier_Al warned, "If the State don't like you for any odd reason you could be next."  @Teapartier_Al stated, that if he were planning on opening a business or was in business in New York, he would either not start a business in New York or if he was already in business, @Teapartier_Al stated that he would move his company out of New York immediately in order to protect and prevent retaliation by the State of New York against the businesses politics, thoughts, religion, or other beliefs.

    In an "CATS Roundtable" interview on WABC 770 Radio with New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, which also aired on The Faulkner Focus on the Fox News Channel, Governor Kathy Hochul stated, “The law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.”

    We would tend not believe anything that this partisan Governor is claiming is different about Trump, as this case wasn't about fraud, this case was about 'Getting Trump' at all cost.  Teapartier_Al makes an excellent point here that this case could be used against any business in the future for any drummed up reason.

    U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, Wife Nadine Menendez, And Three Other New Jersey Businessmen Charged With Bribery Offenses.

    Photo of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez

    New York: Immediate Release

    According to U.S. District Court Southern District of New York Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Assistant Director James Smith who is in charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced an Indictment was unsealed this morning against U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, Wife Nadine Menendez (a/k/a “Nadine Arslanian”), Wael Hana (a/k/a “Will Hana”), Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes for participating in a years-long bribery scheme.

    Indictment of U.S. Sentor Robert Menendez

    The Federal indictment
    alleges that U.S. Senator Robert Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez had accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars

    Photo of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez and his wife

    in bribes from Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes in exchange for Senator Robert Menendez's agreement to use his official position as Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee to protect and enrich Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes and benefiting the Government of Egypt.

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    The United States Attorney stated that U.S. Senator Robert Menendez had agreed and sought to pressure a senior official at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in an effort to protect a business monopoly granted to Wael Hana by Egypt, disrupt a criminal case undertaken by the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office related to associates of Jose Uribe, and disrupt a federal criminal prosecution brought by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey against Fred Daibes.

    According to the allegations in the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:

    Senator Robert Menendez is the senior U.S. Senator from New Jersey and currently the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Nadine Menendez began dating Bob Menendez in February 2018, they became engaged in October 2019, and they married in October 2020.  Shortly after they began dating in 2018, Nadine Menendez introduced Senator Menendez to her long-time friend Wael Hana, who is originally from Egypt, lived in New Jersey, and maintained close connections with Egyptian officials.  Wael Hana was also business associates with Fred Daibes, a New Jersey real estate developer and long-time donor to Senator Menendez, and Jose Uribe, who worked in the New Jersey insurance and trucking business.

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    The indictment alleges between 2018 and 2022, Senator Robert Menendez and Nadine Menendez agreed to and did accept hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of bribes from Wael Hana, Fred Daibes, and Jose Uribe.  These bribes included gold, cash, a luxury convertible, payments toward Nadine Menendez's' home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job for Nadine Menendez, home furnishings, and other things of value.

    In June 2022, the FBI executed a search warrant at the New Jersey home of the Menendez's'.  During that search, the FBI found many of the fruits of this bribery scheme, including cash, gold, the luxury convertible, and home furnishings.  Over $480,000 in cash — much of it stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets, and a safe — was discovered in the home, as well as over $70,000 in cash in Nadine Menendez’s safe deposit box, which was also searched pursuant to a separate search warrant.  Some of the envelopes contained the fingerprints and/or DNA of Fred Daibes or his driver.  Other of the envelopes were found inside jackets bearing Senator Robert Menendez’s name and hanging in his closet, as depicted below.

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    Photo of one of the Bribes

    FBI Assistant Director in Charge James Smith said: “The FBI has made investigating public corruption a top priority since our founding — nothing has changed.  The alleged conduct in this conspiracy damages the public’s faith in our system of government and brings undue scorn to the honest and dedicated public servants who carry out their duties on a daily basis.  To those inclined to use the status of their public office for personal benefit, or those willing to provide bribes in an attempt to gain influence from a public official, the FBI will ensure that you face the consequences in the criminal justice system for your underhanded dealings.”

    U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said, “As the grand jury charged, between 2018 and 2022, Senator Menendez and his wife engaged in a corrupt relationship with Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes – three New Jersey businessmen who collectively paid hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes, including cash, gold, a Mercedes Benz, and other things of value – in exchange for Senator Menendez agreeing to use his power and influence to protect and enrich those businessmen and to benefit the Government of Egypt.  My Office is firmly committed to rooting out corruption, without fear or favor, and without any regard to partisan politics.  We will continue to do so.”

    Senator Robert Menendez, Nadine Menendez, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe, and Fred Daibes are expected to appear in federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 10:30 a.m.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Sidney H. Stein.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: US District Court Southern District of New YorkPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: September 22, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:24:46Photos and Video Credit: US District Court Southern District of New York.

    WASHINGTON DCDOJ 'Turns Blind Eye on Biden Corruption as Informant Goes Missing

    RepBurchett Picture

    Peer Reviewed Politics™: Rep. Burchett (R) states that a Biden corruption informant has gone missing.  Rep. James Comer (R) stated that the informant is nowhere to be found, so the GOP may investigate futher into the allegations of the Biden family bribery scheme.

    Rep. Burchett confirmed GOP officials can not track down this key informant witness as of Monday morning, according to an interview with Maria Bartiromo of FOX Business.  Rep. Burchett is now calling for House Republicans to use the power of the purse in withholding funding from the FBI to force the intelligence committee to comply with the subpoenas from the House Intel committee.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: FOX BusinessAuthor(s): Alan Hoffer - Peer Reviewed Politics / Taylor Penley and Maria Bartiromo - FOX BusinessDate: May 15, 2023Duration: 00:07:54Photo/Video Credit: Snapshot from FOX Business video

    VideoFormer Member of Congress Charged with Multiple Fraud Schemes

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A 28-count indictment was unsealed on August 16, 2022 by the DOJ in the Eastern District of California charging a former member of Congress with multiple fraud schemes and campaign contribution fraud.

    Terrance John “TJ” Cox, 59, of Fresno, CA., has been charged with fifteen counts of wire fraud, eleven counts of money laundering, one count of financial institution fraud, and one count of campaign contribution fraud.

    Allegations in the indictment, Cox perpetrated multiple fraud schemes targeting companies he was affiliated with and their clients and vendors.  Cox created unauthorized off-the-books bank accounts and diverted client and company money into those accounts through false representations, pretences and promises.  From 2013 to 2018, across two different fraud schemes, Cox illicitly obtained over $1.7 million in diverted client payments, company loans, and investments Cox solicited and then stole.

    VideoJim Jordan says 14 whistleblowers have come forward

    Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan says that 14 whistleblowers have come forward with allegations of misconduct by the FBI. National Correspondent Logan Ratick reports.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: NewMaxAuthor(s): Logan Ratick - Reporter NewsMaxDate: August 16, 2022 Duration: 00:03:18Photo/Video Credit: NewsMax

    VideoThree of Lina Hidalgo’s aides, including chief of staff, indicted in Harris County contract award scandal

    Harris County, TXThree employees who work for Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo were indicted by a grand jury on charges in relation to how they helped award a contract for COVID-19 vaccine outreach last year.

    • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Media Attribution: The Texas TribuneAuthor(s): Zach Despart - Political reporter  - | Date: April 11, 2022 Duration: 00:00:00Photo/Video Credit: The Texas Tribune